Youth On Board Activities Calendar

The fall term is packed with exciting activities at local and international level. Be sure to check out what is going on, get involved and make the most of your Youth on Board experience.

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Digital Citizenship

Date: 12 June 2024 - 14 June 2024

Location: Shtip

Time: /

Почитувани млади, Ве покануваме да бидете дел од интернационалниот трeнинг кој ќе се одржи во Штип во периодот од 12 до 14 Јуни 2024💡💻📣.Тридневната обука ќе води 16 млади од Мак..

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Eco Print in Warszawa



Digital Citizenship



YLA platform presentation



Discover EU Inclusion Action

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It all starts with YOU!

Do you have an idea that is amazing, but you don’t know who to share it with? Do you think that you can inspire change in your local community? If you do, then submit your original idea here.

“Joining Youth on Board was transformative. I had an idea for my community but didn't know how to share it. Youth on Board not only allowed me to share, but also bring my idea to life. It’s a reminder that change truly starts with YOU.”

Daniel Veselinov
Joined in September 2018

Join Youth On Board

Do you have an idea that is amazing, but you don’t know who to share it with? Do you think that you can inspire change in your local community? If you do, then submit your original idea here.

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Today was the last day of the Digital Citizenship - Youth training. As a part of this journey, we br...

We are happy to share that the Digital Citizenship - Youth Training is finally happening in Shtip -...

This past week, our representatives returned from the "Youth Workers Select Volunteer Activists Of T...

Dare to be different.

The way to change the world, or at least your world, is to dare to be different. When you dare to be different, you step out of the mold, and you make space for your creative twists. When you dare to be different, sometimes you stand alone. But alone is where your unique creative contribution can thrive. What great leaders, great artists, and inspiring minds, do.

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Youth On Board

Dare to be different.

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