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The Kick-off meeting of the EU GREEN


The Kick-off meeting of the EU GREEN




4 months ago

The EU GREEN project, titled "Urban Gardens, Community Spaces, and Intergenerational Bridges: Green Cities for Active Youth," kicked off with its inaugural meeting held in Reus, Spain. This initiative is dedicated to enhancing youth engagement by establishing urban community gardens with a focus on intergenerational collaboration. Through the creation of training resources and courses for youth workers, EU GREEN aims to empower young people to actively participate in their communities.

Partnering with Spain, Lithuania, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, and Ireland, the project's core concept and operational methods were presented and discussed during the meeting. Responsibilities were allocated, and a timeline for project activities was established.

For YOUTH ON BOARD, this project holds significant importance as it aligns with the organization's strategic objectives of fostering the advancement and implementation of initiatives related to "Green Societies."


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